Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Congratulations to Mandy, who guessed Cynthia Hickey as our Mystery Author last week! She wins a copy of Cynthia's FUDGE-LACED FELONIES!

I happen to know that this week's Mystery Author has TWO books she wants to give away! So...try twice as hard to guess who it is!

You know the drill. Leave a comment telling me the name of the Mystery Author AND your e-mail address. I'll draw a name from all the correct guesses!

Now, on to our game!

Welcome, Mystery Author!

First of all, what part of the country do you call home?

I live the north and east quadrant of the county.

What does your husband do?

He does a lot of things, but his main job is pointing out what other people did wrong. No joke.

You took an interesting vocational course. Tell us about that.

Yes, those were the days! Silly me, I thought I wanted to be a blacksmith. Talk about hard work!

You have a hobby that has helped your writing. What is it?

Family history has taken me down some verrry interesting rabbit trails that sparked ideas.

What’s the first name of the main character in your current Heartsong mystery series?


Thanks, Mystery Author!


Anonymous said...

I'm guessing Susan Page Davis,

apple blossom said...

My guess is Anita Higman

ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

Anonymous said...

Susan Page Davis
