Eileen Key, freelance writer and editor, resides in San Antonio, Texas, near her grown children and two wonderful grandchildren. She’s published nine anthology stories, numerous articles and devotionals. Her first mystery novel Dog Gone is from Barbour publishing.
Read more about EILEEN KEY
A lost show dog would reflect on Ginnie's business and hit my pocketbook. The taxes on my property had jumped significantly. And if Ginnie's revenue was cut, she'd not be able to make the quarterly lease payment in June. I certainly couldn't cover it all. I'd risk losing land that had been in my family for three generations.
While Ginnie placed the phone call, I went to the back door and stepped outside. I ran my fingers lightly over the doorjamb by the knob. No sign of forced entry. No shoe prints. I circled to the front door and two windows. Nothing. A thick black wire caught my eye. "Security cameras." I opened the door and hollered, "Ginnie, the cameras."
"Your security cameras. Let's look at the tapes."
"Of course. They're so new I never thought of them. Where's my mind today?"
Mounted in the top corner of two hallways, black cameras gave a view of all the doggie domains. We could pull the tapes and solve our dilemma. Schotzie could be home by dinnertime.
Ginnie met me underneath a camera. "I can't believe I didn't run to them right off. This one would show more."
I braced an arm against the wall, stood on tiptoes, and peered at the camera to check its angle. It pointed toward the first row of doggie boudoirs. I couldn't see well. "Looks like something is on the lens."
"There's a stool inside the grooming area. Let me get it." Ginnie dragged it to the hallway.
"Steady it and let me climb." I swiveled the camera toward my face once I was high enough to reach it and felt a sticky blob covering the lens. My heart sank. Pinching off a bit, I smelled it. "Ginnie, it's bubblegum."
We checked the camera at the other end of the hallway. More gum. Frustration welled in my chest as I dropped to the floor. "Looks to me like these have been intentionally sabotaged."
She covered her mouth with one hand. "Oh no, this can't be happening." She shivered.
I gripped her arm. "Did you call Sheriff Connors?" At her nod, I guided her down the hall, heartsick. I wondered where Scholander's Pride might be-and who would have gone to such trouble to take her.
The sheriff 's dispatcher had promised to send out a deputy to investigate, and Ginnie and I waited in the kennel's kitchen. Ginnie had purchased a glass-and chrome dinette, a black refrigerator, and matching microwave. Pampered Pooch's lounge offered comfort to its employees, too.
"Coffee?" Ginnie motioned to the pot. "I mean tea. I know you don't drink coffee. See how scrambled my brain is?" She filled two mugs with water and placed them in the microwave. I opened a tea bag and dunked it in the cup she handed me.
"Who had access to the kennel last night?"
"Only Charlie Baker, my evening tech. He left before nine." Ginnie dipped her tea bag up and down and stared into space. "I heard him leave."
I reached for a packet of sweetener and stirred it in. "I thought it was his job to walk the dogs."
"Well, it is, but I enjoy doing it sometimes. Keeps the lonesomes away." She batted her eyelashes and fought tears. "I hate bedtime now that Mitch is gone."Her voice strained, "Two long years of emptiness."
I squeezed her hand. "We'll figure this out, honey." I sipped tea and looked at her over the rim of the cup. "Don't fret. It makes wrinkles around your eyes." And it was giving me a pounding headache.
She fingered her eyelids and smoothed out the crow's-feet, massaging her temples. Ginnie's blond curls and perfect makeup were her trademarks. I must admit, she had a touch of vanity. Often she'd tried to get me "to spruce up a bit," as she called it, but I liked my less-than-perfect look. I could smear on foundation and a dab of lipstick and be out the door faster than she could curl her eyelashes.
A car pulled up, and Ginnie popped up to look out the window. "It's Deputy Dawg." A sad smile tugged at her lips. Don Dawson seemed to enter the door behind his protruding belly. He'd earned his nickname with his slow drawl and droopy jowls, but for the many years I'd known him, he'd always proven to be a good friend. I tipped my teacup in his direction and hid my smile as I sipped.
He nodded in my direction. "Morning, Miss Ginnie." He slid his mirrored sunglasses into his pocket. "Coffee smells mighty good." Ginnie pointed to the cabinet, and he grabbed a Styrofoam cup. "Sheriff said to get here quick. What's the trouble?"
"I've lost a dog." Ginnie's forlorn voice sounded childlike.
He sipped his coffee. "Lost him?" He looked around the room as though Schotzie were under the table.
She crossed her arms. "I have searched the premises, Don, and the dog is simply not here."
I spoke up, "What's worse, the security cameras have been disabled." I explained the gum.
"Well, let's take a look-see." He ambled into the hallway and stopped. "Show me around this fancy place." He grinned. "I told my wife you'd opened a hotel for dogs, and she couldn't believe me. I'll get to tell her tonight I took a tour."
"Don, I'll gladly give you a tour, but you're here to help me find a dog." Ginnie practically stomped her tiny size 5 sandal. "Not just any dog, either. A dog worth thousands of dollars."
His eyebrows shot up. "Thousands?"
"Thousands," I echoed. "This is an award-winning show dog. We need to find her." I slid my chair from the table and patted Don on the back. "This way, Deputy."
To read more of DOG GONE be sure to subscibe to:
Heartsong Presents: Mysteries!
Susan Page Davis is a native of Maine and author of romantic suspense, historical romance, and children's novels. She's a mother of six, all home schooled until college, and grandmother of five. Most recently she has been writing romantic suspense for Harvest House and Love Inspired Suspense. With her daughter, Megan Elaine Davis, she writes the Blue Heron Lake cozy mystery series for Heartsong Presents: Mysteries. Read more about Susan
Megan Elaine Davis grew up in rural Maine where she was home-schooled with her five siblings. She holds a bachelor of arts degree in Creative Writing from Bob Jones University, and has published poetry, articles, and humorous anecdotes in various publications. Besides writing, she enjoys reading, travel, theater, cooking, and chatting with friends. Her favorite authors are Agatha Christie, Jane Austen, and C. S. Lewis. Homicide at Blue Heron Lake is her first novel. She lives in Maine and will soon become Mrs. John-Mark Cullen, then make her home in England.
Jeff guided the deputy toward the library, and Nate hesitated.
"Oh, come on," Emily whispered. "I want to hear what they say, too."
Nate grinned and tiptoed after the men. He and Emily stopped in the doorway just in time to see Young pick up the pocket knife and put it in an evidence bag.
"Will you check it for fingerprints?" Jeff asked.
"Well, I tell you," Young said, "it's pretty small, and you don't think anything was stolen. Truth is, we probably won't bother."
Emily's lips skewed in a scowl, and Nate slipped his arm around her.
Young smiled at Jeff. "Now, if you had a dead body lying here, that would be different, right Nate?"
"Oh, yeah," Nate said. "We'd send that knife for prints and we might even give the State Police a call."
Young barked a laugh, and even Emily cracked a smile. They all knew that the sheriff's department was not allowed to handle homicides. The Maine State Police took those over except in the state's two largest cities, Portland and Bangor. Baxter, Maine was far too small to have its own police department, let alone a homicide squad.
"I will ask around," Young said. "We have a few known thieves in the area. I'll see if all of them have alibis for tonight, though it's usually pretty hard to prove a guy wasn't in his own bed at 2 a.m."
Jeff's disappointment showed in his hangdog expression. He offered the deputy coffee, but Young turned it down and wished them all a good night as he headed for the door.
"Sorry I couldn't do more, folks, but you scared him off. At least no one was hurt. That's what's important."
"Thanks, Russ," Nate called after him. He turned to face Jeff. "He's right, you know. That burglar will probably never come back."
"Ready to go back to sleep?" Nate asked. They stood at the front window of the comfortable lobby at Lakeview Lodge, watching the police car's taillights disappear down the long driveway.
"I'm so wound up now, I doubt I'll get back to sleep." Emily turned to look at their host. "Why don't you tell us the rest of the story about Alexander Eberhardt, Jeff?"
"All right, but let me get a refill on my coffee. You want more?"
"Not me," said Emily. "But if you have any hot chocolate mix . . ."
"Come on. I'm sure we do."
They fixed their hot drinks in the kitchen and then moved into the snug library, where the burglar had made his getaway. Jeff raked up the embers of last evening's fire and added several sticks of wood. When the fire blazed, he dropped into an overstuffed armchair.
"Well, like I told you, Mr. Eberhardt built this lodge as the barracks for his lumbering crew. I think he had other lumber camps, too, and he made a huge success of it. He was getting along in years, and in 1901, he sold his lumber company. It was in the middle of the logging season. He went from here to Bangor by sleigh in January to close the sale. Supposedly he picked up the payment for the business and the payroll for his last disbursement to his employees before handing the company over to the new owner. There were about forty lumberjacks staying here at the lodge then, working through the winter, and a clerk, several teamsters, and a cook."
"Quite an operation," Nate said.
"Yeah. The story goes that Mr. Eberhardt paid his crews once a month. In winter, the 'boys' would get one day off after payday. They could go into Baxter or Aswontee if they wanted and spend some of their pay. A few would have Mr. Eberhardt send the bulk of their wages home for them the next time he went to Bangor."
"That must have been a rough life." Emily sipped her cocoa and nestled closer to Nate.
"Yeah, they would stay in the lumber camps for six or eight months," Jeff agreed. "They say there was a big storm the day after Mr. Eberhardt left. He had a man with him to drive the sleigh. When the snow started, all the lumberjacks were disappointed, because they figured he would be delayed. If he stayed overnight in Bangor, they wouldn't get their pay on the usual day. But-"
Emily watched him, enthralled by the story. She could easily imagine the big men snowed in by the blizzard, fretting and pacing because the boss was late returning.
Jeff raised his eyebrows and leaned forward. "The next morning, Mr. Eberhardt was found in his bed in the lodge-in the room I sleep in now."
"So he made it through in the sleigh." Nate nodded in satisfaction, and Jeff sat back and let his shoulders droop.
"Well, yeah. Unfortunately, he was dead."
Emily let out a little gasp, trying to work out the puzzle of how the man had died and yet made it safely into his own bed.
"There was no doctor," Jeff said. "André, the man who drove him to Bangor and back, assured the other men that the boss was alive, though fatigued and chilled, when they got in late the previous night. André was as shocked as they were-or so he claimed-when he heard Mr. Eberhardt was dead. The crew didn't know what to think of it, but they probably surmised he had suffered a heart attack after his strenuous trek through the storm."
"It works for me," Nate said.
"Oh, come on." Emily swiveled her head to look at him in disbelief. "That's too pat."
Jeff grinned. "There's more."
"I knew it." Emily settled back to listen.
"The clerk wasn't sure what to do, but he decided to go ahead and pay the men. But when he opened the safe-"
"The money was gone!" Emily laughed, but sobered quickly as Jeff shook his head.
"The payroll was there, enough for each man's wages. But the payment for the business and all Mr. Eberhardt's timber acreage, amounting to about a hundred and forty thousand dollars in cash, was missing."
To read more of Treasure at Blue Heron Lake be sure to subscibe to:
Heartsong Presents: Mysteries!
Other Heartsong Presents Mysteries by Susan Page Davis and Megan Elaine DavisHomicide at Blue Heron Lake: Emily Gray returns to the lakeside community of Baxter, Maine, expecting a peaceful week in her family's old island cottage. Instead, she and her high school crush, Nate Holman, discover the body of Henry Derbin, an elderly island resident. A few days later, Emily finds another body, buried more than a decade earlier, on Mr. Derbin's land. Can Emily and Nate overcome past hindrances to their romance while digging up clues that will help solve both murders?
Tune in next week for a brand new Short Story Mystery!