However, business has boomed in the last few months. Everyone wants an authentic outfit for our town’s celebration of the 1891 land run. That’s when our part of Oklahoma was opened to white settlement.
Audie Howe, my new boyfriend and interim director of the Magda Grace Mallory Theater (we call it the MGM), has planned a reenactment of the most famous gunfight in Grace Gulch history.
You see, although our town is named Grace Gulch, after Bob Grace, his rival Dick Gaynor arrived seconds later. He always accused old Bob of cheating. They even exchanged gunfire once.
With Audie directing the reenactment play, my old friend Cord Grace playing his great-grandfather Bob, and my sister Dina handling the prop guns, I hope everything goes well.
I see them out in the street now. Cord is exchanging insults with Penn Hardy, the newspaper editor portraying Dick Gaynor.
Both men pull their guns, shoot, and fall down. Only—Penn Hardy remains on the ground.
He’s … dead!