A man is dead in a ring on a sunny afternoon. The man responsible for his death is arrested nearby with a small object in his hand.
Who killed the man? What was the object, and what part did it play in his death?
A man is dead in a ring on a sunny afternoon. The man responsible for his death is arrested nearby with a small object in his hand.
Who killed the man? What was the object, and what part did it play in his death?
1. The man was killed in an act of blind rage.
2. Police made a “bull’s”-eye by arresting the perpetrator immediately.
2. Police made a “bull’s”-eye by arresting the perpetrator immediately.
Think you know the answer? Fill in the comment box to submit your guess. Winner receives a free Heartsong Presents Mystery!
It sounds like he was a matador and another matador killed him with a sword.
agree another matador killed him with a sword or maybe a broken horn
It seemed the man that got killed was a matador and another matador trained the bull(at matadore's command to gore the man to death.)
I would say the man arrested was a matador and the object in his hand was a small spike that he used to enrage the bull who then gored the other matador to death.
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