Hello? Hello?
This ridiculous contraption always makes me sound like I’m talking
through a can. Maybe if I whack it…there. Can you hear me now? If so, I need you to pass a message along to my niece, Casey Alexander. It’s of utmost importance. She’s in quite a lot of danger, you see, though she doesn’t even realize it.
I never dreamed, back when strange messages started appearing on my porch, that my disappearance would transfer all of my troubles onto Casey. She’s always been such a good girl—all right, maybe she is a trifle strange, what with her addiction to dime store detective novels. But she’s sharp as a butcher’s cleaver when you run it through a. . .oops. Hehe. I digress.
Anyway, if you would please let Casey know that her Aunt Liddy loves her and that I’m watching over her, I sure would appreciate it. Tell her I’m always close by even though she can’t see me, and that I wish with all my heart I could wrap her up in a great big hug and take her to our secret “spot.”
I know this is a lot to ask, you being a stranger and all. I would tell her myself, but that’s the trouble with being dead, you see. It makes communicating with your loved ones so much more difficult. So, if you could? Help an old girl out?
Thank—oh—well, my line is cutting out again. They sure—make these things like—used to. Anyway, tell Casey that her aunt, Lydia Alexander, said to watch out for—
This ridiculous contraption always makes me sound like I’m talking

I never dreamed, back when strange messages started appearing on my porch, that my disappearance would transfer all of my troubles onto Casey. She’s always been such a good girl—all right, maybe she is a trifle strange, what with her addiction to dime store detective novels. But she’s sharp as a butcher’s cleaver when you run it through a. . .oops. Hehe. I digress.
Anyway, if you would please let Casey know that her Aunt Liddy loves her and that I’m watching over her, I sure would appreciate it. Tell her I’m always close by even though she can’t see me, and that I wish with all my heart I could wrap her up in a great big hug and take her to our secret “spot.”
I know this is a lot to ask, you being a stranger and all. I would tell her myself, but that’s the trouble with being dead, you see. It makes communicating with your loved ones so much more difficult. So, if you could? Help an old girl out?
Thank—oh—well, my line is cutting out again. They sure—make these things like—used to. Anyway, tell Casey that her aunt, Lydia Alexander, said to watch out for—

Mrs. Ludwig has written a number of historical books, and two romantic suspense novels including A Walk of Faith, a finalist in ACFW’s 2004 Noble Theme Contest. Other notable accomplishments include two top ten finishes in ACFW’s 2005 Noble Theme Contest, General Historical and Historical Romance categories, respectively. Her first novel, Where the Truth Lies, which she co-authored with Janelle Mowery, is scheduled for release in spring of 2008 from Heartsong Presents: Mysteries, an imprint of Barbour Publishing. The sequel, Died in the Wool, is due spring, 2009.
To find out more, visit Elizabeth on the web at http://www.elizabethludwig.com/.
Thanks for stopping by! Don't forget to check out the book trailer by clicking on the bookcover or on the title and let me know what you think.
And just to kick things off...what about you? What's the most important phone call you've ever had dropped?
Dear Elizabeth,
Intriguing! And kinda creepy too--the perfect setup for a mystery. . .
Linda K :)
Looking forward to reading your book.
Oh my,
This is a dilemma.
(laughing) Exactly what I was going for, Linda. Intriguing and kinda creepy. LOL! Don't worry, though. There's plenty of humor thrown in to help take the edge off. Wouldn't want to keep anyone UP at night, now would we...
Thanks, Danny. I'm really curious as to what our male readers think about the new mysteries! I'd love to get some feedback from you once you've had a chance to read it.
Most important dropped calls: Calls to my children in the minutes before Hurricane Katrina.
Great post! I can hardly wait to read this book.
I agree with Linda. The perfect setup for a great mystery.
Yes! I tried several times to let my parents know we were okay but everytime it went through, I'd spit out a few words and then the call got dropped. Very frustrating, and my parents were worried sick.
Thanks, Nancy. I'm really starting to get antsy now that the due date is drawing near. I feel like I'm nine months...make that twelve months pregnant!! ;-)
Which makes me think of that Verizon commercial where the guy is teasing another guy about his wife being fat. The call gets dropped so he can't hear him laughing and thinks he's in trouble. Don't those commercials crack you up?? LOL!
Wow, cballen, you really stirred up a memory. My dropped call was during one of those monster hurricanes, too. Hubby and I were working in McAllen, Texas. Our daughter was caught up in the nightmare traffic jam trying to get out of Houston. She had two kids in the car and no food, water, or gasoline--and they all had to go to the bathroom in the worst way. She called crying so hard I could barely understand her. Then the call dropped...and I couldn't get her back. Let me tell you, I hit my knees! And stayed there until I heard from her again. Whew! Terrible time. But God pulled her through. PTL!
Great post, Lisa! Anxious to get my hands on the book to find out Where The Truth Lies.
Dropped call. My husband. Right after I finally heard from him after his flight on 9/11. I'd lost his intenirary and when the Philly flight went down, I spent that day in fear. I had the wrong flight number in my head.
Love the lead-in, Lisa. Too fun! I can't wait to get my hands on the finished product!!! :D
Very interesting post. I'm even more anxious to read your book. Bring some copies to our next meeting if you can.
Congratulations, Lisa! Can't wait to read it!
Oh, Cynthia! How awful. I bet you spent the day jumping every time the phone rang!
Thanks for stopping by, Ane. And in case you missed it...I even planted some double innuendoes inside the post that MIGHT help you solve the mystery in Where the Truth Lies!!
What can I say? Still planting clues and red herrings. ;-)
I can't wait Lisa. This looks and sounds so cool. All of my friends keep asking when they can buy/read it. I am so proud of you!!!
Hey Lisa, I have truly enjoyed reading all the blurbs you have out on "Where the Truth Lies" I am so anxcious to read it. I have shared this link with my co-workers and we are all excited for it's release. With great anticipation. Anne Byl
Thanks, Anne and Lori! HPM has done such a wonderful job creating bookcovers and blurbs that make people WANT to buy these books. I'm proud to be affiliated with them.
Oh i have too many books to read and this one looks great too. I have subscribed so i knwo it will come. just need to read some others first then i can read this one also.
Im beginning to think this is the public phone i have to use to call a taxi. half the time i just guess the other person can hear what i say and will come pick me up.
LOL! That's funny, Jenny. I had to have the hinges on my laptop repaired once, and the person on the other end of the phone spoke VERY limited English. I had no idea if I was shipping my laptop to Toshiba or Timbuktu! I got it back with a new lid, so I guess it all worked out in the end. ;-)
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