I wanted to tell you what a blessing it is to have your wonderful new books. I received my introductory shipment in the mail and have thoroughly enjoyed all the books!
The characters in each book are already like old friends. I hope to see continuing series of each of them. All the books are fantastic, and I love the humor in Trouble Up Finny's Nose and Recipe for Murder. I have been sick with bronchitis and sinus problems for two weeks. The books were uplifting and helped me feel so much better. The inspirational theme in each book is so well done and it never appears pushy.
When I started reading Mysterious Incidents at Lone Rock, I thought I would not enjoy that particular book because it is not what I am used to, but it was wonderful. Homicide at Blue Heron Lake was truly perfect in every way. I rated each book a perfect 10, because I can honestly say: I don't think they could be improved upon.
The covers on each book are beautifully done. I had intended to pass my books on to others when I finished re ading them, but I don't know that I will be able to part with them!
Thank you so much for your wonderful books. It is so nice to have books to read that aren't filled with explicit sex and bad words. How wonderful to have great books to read that reflect my Christian values. I look forward to remaining a member for the rest of my life. Please try to increase the number of books in each shipment at a later date. I am a caregiver for my husband and reading is my refuge and entertainment.
God bless you all,
Patricia from Louisiana
Whoo Hoo!!!
This is so exciting...and terrifying. As my own release date draws nearer, I wonder what readers will have to say about MY book!
Anybody else experiencing attacks of paranoia???
Hey, I left a comment here? Where'd it go?
Trying to think what I said that made someone scrub it!!! Yikes.
Great note about the cozies.
(laughing) Well, Mary, there'd be no telling what you might have said...
I think it must have been a blip. I never saw it come through.
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