Monday, March 9, 2009

Monday Mystery Theater


Buzzy’s body is found near his dormitory on a prep school campus. His roommate, Chip, is arrested for the murder.


How and why did Chip bump Buzzy off?


1. Chip had a “relatively” good reason to resent his roommate.
2. Buzzy had the right time, but the wrong story.


Think you know the answer? Fill in the comment box to submit your guess. Winner receives a free Heartsong Presents Mystery!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Monday Mystery Theater


A man is dead in a ring on a sunny afternoon. The man responsible for his death is arrested nearby with a small object in his hand.


Who killed the man? What was the object, and what part did it play in his death?


1. The man was killed in an act of blind rage.
2. Police made a “bull’s”-eye by arresting the perpetrator immediately.


Think you know the answer? Fill in the comment box to submit your guess. Winner receives a free Heartsong Presents Mystery!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Monday Mystery Theater


Something strange was happening on Elm Street. Every day, for three days straight, between 11:30 a.m. and noon, someone broke into the same empty townhouse, triggering a silent alarm. Each time, the police responded quickly, finding no evidence of theft or vandalism. On the fourth day, at 11:30 a.m., a police officer was lying in wait, hoping to catch the intruder when he or she struck—but no one came on that day, or any day after that.


Who was triggering the alarm? Why did it happen at approximately the same time for three days running?


1. The house belonged to a recently murdered man.
2. The mail carrier regularly arrived between 11:00 and 11:30 a.m.


Think you know the answer? Fill in the comment box to submit your guess. Winner receives a free Heartsong Presents Mystery!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Monday Mystery Theater


Jacques dies in the hospital. The doctor who treats him notices something unusual, and reports it to the police. Later, Jacques’ partner Cal is arrested for murder.


How did Jacques die? What did the doctor notice, and why was Cal arrested?


1. Jacques and Cal had been searching for treasure.
2. The doctor made a “timely” discovery.


Think you know the answer? Fill in the comment box to submit your guess. Winner receives a free Heartsong Presents Mystery!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Monday Mystery Theater


The Emperor’s jade cricket box had been stolen from the imperial bedchamber. The chief of guards had narrowed the suspects down to two palace servants. Because neither would confess, the Emperor had decided to execute them both.

Then the court magician intervened. Through his magic arts, he would identify the true thief so that the innocent man could live. The emperor consented to this plan, and gathered both suspects into his courtyard.

The magician asked each servant to cut a stalk of bamboo. He then shoved the two bamboo stalks into the ground, exposing only the upper foot of each stalk. He then said, “Each bamboo now holds the spirit of the man who cut it. At dawn, when we return to this spot, we will know which man stole the box.” He then explained how his magic would work.


What was the magician’s explanation of his magic plan? And how did he identify the guilty servant at dawn?


1. This might have been the original Pinocchio story.
2. The courtyard was left unguarded that night.


Think you know the answer? Fill in the comment box to submit your guess. Winner receives a free Heartsong Presents Mystery!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Fun Friday

This week, Spyglass Lane is showcasing Murder on the Ol' Bunions by S. Dionne Moore. To learn more about the LaTisha Barnhart Mystery Series, check out her website!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Short Story Mystery

Sweet Charity by Elizabeth Ludwig
Special FOUR part series!

Part 4

Charity’s heart turned to ice inside her chest. “Ambrose, I can explain.”

Before she could utter another word, Luisa scrambled from beneath Charity’s heavy skirts. “It was all her fault!” she screamed. “She said she would make her padre fire me, toss me into the streets to beg.”

Clasping her bone-thin hands before her face, Luisa advanced steadily upon Ambrose. “Por favor, Señor,” she pleaded, tears welling in her eyes, “you no let them blame the senoritas death on poor Luisa. Only you can prove what really happened to the lady, to Miss Jasmine.”

For several seconds, Charity was too shocked to speak, and then, all at once, she sensed Luisa’s evil intention. Fear pounded inside her chest. “Luisa, no. You mustn’t.”

Luisa refused to be deterred. She edged closer to Ambrose, her black eyes gleaming. Darting forward, Charity grabbed the wily maid by the wrist and yanked. Turning with a shriek, Luisa’s hand thrust forward and an object, sharp and shiny, scraped down Charity’s arm.

Horror widened Luisa’s eyes as she realized what she’d done. “Oh, my chica, no!” She stared at the object lying on her palm, a silver pin, and then tossed it to the floor with a wail. She leapt forward, just in time to clutch Charity by the shoulders as she slumped to the floor alongside Jasmine.

“Why you did not let me finish him? Only the doctor, with his skills, could have proven our guilt. No one else would ever have known!”

Charity groaned as the curare she and Luisa had used to coat the pin entered her bloodstream. It would only be moments now, until she joined Jasmine in deadly repose. As two men from the crowd took Luisa into custody, Charity stretched her hand toward Ambrose, pleading.

With tears streaming down his face, Ambrose hunched next to Charity’s side. “Why, beloved? What possessed you to do such an evil thing?”

Smiling, Charity let her eyelids slip closed. “I could never let that vixen, Jasmine, sink her claws into you, my darling. I would have done anything to keep her from taking you from me.” She paused to draw a final shuddering breath then exhaled one last word on a sigh. “Anything. . .”

Stay tuned next week for a brand new Short Story Mystery!